Monday, March 15, 2010

Frozen Cupcakes

I ate the last cupcake today - I really shouldn't of... so I pulled out some more to frost so Steve could have some for lunch. I laughed as soon as I pulled them out of the freezer when I saw them stuck together like this!


ezeldabeth said...

extra cute since they were just like that on their own...

i would like to challenge you to try not to center your subject...maybe do one centered and one not and compare (and maybe you/we will find out centered is beter)...i would be curious to see this one off center a bit...moving the muffins a tiny bit to the lower left...

just a thought

ezeldabeth said...

ok...i take it back...this one looks better just the way it is...i just 'took' it and tried it cropped...what do i know?

Kelly said...

I do look at cropping, but I have been trying to crop within the camera, I always liked doing that in school.